Social Pediatrics Research Projects
The Social Pediatric Residency Program’s main focus is to train pediatricians and provide them with competence in understanding and working with their community to improve health outcomes. Residents will learn that to create effective advocacy opportunities, involvement in community work must be conducted with academic rigor.
The social medicine project serves as a core methodology for meeting the goal of the social pediatrics program. In the course of conducting the project, residents will develop competencies in the ACGME defined areas of systems-based practice, practice-based learning and improvement, and professionalism.
Residents are required to design, implement and present a social medicine community-based research or advocacy project during their residency. A faculty member will be the primary mentor at the beginning of PGY-2 year for all social medicine projects. Residents have protected time to work on the project over the course of their second and third years.
In addition there are formal didactic sessions on relevant research topics as well as opportunities to receive feedback from faculty and residents. Most residents go on to present their research at regional and national meetings such as Academic Pediatric Association (APA), Eastern Society for Pediatric Research (ESPR) and Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) meetings. These are a few examples of resident research presentations:

De Leon Rodriguez F, Bathory E, Sanderson D, Robles J, Braganza S. Informing Resident Physicians on the Care of Newly Arrived Immigrant Children. Presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies, Toronto, Canada, May 2024.
Uwaga A, Shah L, Afrifa A, Umana U, Acevedo D, Scholnick J. Leaving the Ladder Down: Effect of a Pathway Program on Alumni Participant's Involvement in Mentorship and Service in Underserved Communities. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association (APA) Regions II and III Annual Meeting, March 2024 and the Pediatric Academic Societies, Toronto, Canada, May 2024.
Moon C, Braganza S, Bathory E. Implementing and Evaluating a Climate-Change Curriculum For Resident Trainees. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association (APA) Regions II and III Annual Meeting, March 2024 and the Pediatric Academic Societies, Toronto, Canada, May 2024.
- Katugampala I, Holm M, Haughton J, Nafday S, Edwards F, Braganza S, Bathory E. Provider Perceptions of Infant Urine Drug Screen Policy in an Urban Mother-Baby Unit. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association, NY, NY, March 2023 and at the Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington, DC, Apr-May, 2023.
- Saha A, Levano S,, Shea K, Fiori K, Rivas Y. Evaluating Social Risk Burden of Pediatric Outpatient General Gastroenterology Patients at an Urban Children's Hospital. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association, NY, NY, March 2023 and at the Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington, DC, Apr-May, 2023.
- Moon C, Braganza B, Bathory E. Building and Implementing a Climate Change Curriculum for Residents. Presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics Environmental health, April 2022.
- Holm M, Haughton J, Fiori K. Facilitators and Barriers to Engaging in Reentry Care for Transition-Aged Young Adults at an Urban Reentry Clinic for Justice-Involved Individuals. Presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington, DC, Apr-May, 2023.
- Mena J, Cardillo M, Whitney J, Braganza S, Fiori K. Social Needs Screening in the Time of COVID-19: Identifying Barriers and Enabling Factors in a Pediatric Primary Care Practice. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association (APA) Regions II & III Annual Meeting, March 2022, virtual meeting.
- Luke M, Fiori K Going Beyond the Screen: Caregiver Perspectives on Inpatient Social Needs Screening and Resources in an Urban Children's Hospital, Presented at the Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Orlando, Florida, July 2022.
- Anthonypillai J, Braganza S, Kevin F. Navigating Barriers: Understanding How Language Relates to Social Service Access in an Urban Pediatric Health Network. Oral presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 1-5, 2021, virtual meeting.
- Baumann K, Vasquez L, Braganza S, Bathory E. Adaptation of a Pilot Healthy Lifestyle Waiting-Room Based Education Program to a Virtual Format. Oral presentation at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, May 1-5, 2021, virtual meeting.
- Yuan J, Sanderson D, Braganza S, Fiori K. Linkage to care: Understanding contextual issues of integrating social needs assessment and community health workers in pediatric primary care. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association (APA) Regions II & III Annual Meeting, February 2020 and Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. May 1-5, 2020. Due to COVID-19 related conference cancellation, this peer-reviewed presentation was disseminated in the PAS 2020 Meeting Program Guide.
- Johnson D, Deng Y, Sanderson D, Braganza S, Fiori, K. Sickle Cell Disease and Health Disparities: Implications for Mitigating Social Needs in Both Primary Care and Subspecialty Clinics. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association (APA) Regions II & III Annual Meeting, February 2020 and Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. May 1-5, 2020. Due to COVID-19 related conference cancellation, this peer-reviewed presentation was disseminated in the PAS 2020 Meeting Program Guide.
Janofsky E, Braganza S, Bathory E. Pediatric Resident Experience Caring for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) in Continuity Clinic: A Qualitative Analysis. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association, NY, NY, March 2019 and at the Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD, April 2019.
- Lupica A, Braganza S, Faro E, Lee D, Fiori K. Linking Families to Community Resources: an Assessment of Food Insecurity in Spanish-Speaking Families in a Primary Care Center. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association, NY, NY,March 2019.
- McKenna K, Kopa J, Fiori K, Braganza S, Shapiro A. Records Received: Improving the Collection of Available Medical Records for Immigrant Children Seeking Asylum in the US at a Medical-Legal Partnership. Presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD, April 2019.
Davies S, Overholt S. Fiori K, Hoffman N. Ethics, Emotional Quotient and Interpersonal Connection: Peer Identified Characteristics for Urban High School-Based Peer Navigators. Presented at the Society for Adolescent Medicine national conference, Seattle, WA, March 2018 and Pediatric Research Day, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Bronx, NY, April 2018.
Landicho A., Nienaber C., Nath A., Kaur N., Anderson M. Gun Ownership and Community Attitudes Toward Firearm Injury in New York Primary Care Practices. Presented at Pediatric Research Day, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Bronx, NY, April 2018.
Jeong E., Braganza S., Bathory E. Pediatric Resident Practices, Attitudes and Barriers Providing Breastfeeding Counseling and Support. Presented at Pediatric Research Day, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Bronx, NY, April 2018.
Duh- Leong C., Braganza S. With a Little Help From Your Friends: Social Networks as a Predictor of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in an Urban Academic Practice. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association, NY, NY, March 2017 and Pediatric Academic Societies, San Francisco, CA, May 2017.
- Castelnuovo N., Scholnick J., Braganza S. Exploring Attitudes and Barriers toward the Contraceptive Implant in an Urban Pediatric Practice. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association, NY, March 2017.
- Lax Y., Bathory E., Patel M., Braganza S. Perception, Attitudes and Practice among Pediatric Primary Care Physicians and Subspecialists Caring for Low-Income Children at an Urban Academic Medical Center. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association, NY, March 2017 and Pediatric Academic Societies, San Francisco, CA, May 2017.
- Marcus L., Braganza S., Bathory E. An Rx for success: The Pediatricians Role in Educational and Career Planning in Urban Underserved Communities. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association, NY, March 2017 and Pediatric Academic Societies San Francisco, CA, May 2017.
- Givner S., Patel M., Braganza S. Assessing Educational Characteristics of Children at an Urban Federally Qualified Health Center. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association, NY, March 2017 and Pediatric Academic Societies, San Francisco, CA, May 2017.
- Lax Y., Patel M., Braganza S. Pediatric Resident Attitudes and Practice Regarding Advocacy Pre- and Post-Implementation of an Innovative Advocacy Curriculum. Academic Pediatric Association, NY, NY, March 2017, Association of Pediatric Program Directors, Anaheim, CA and Advocacy Training and Environmental Health Special Interest Groups (SIG) Session, Pediatric Academic Societies, San Francisco, CA, May 2017.
- Fiori K., Braganza S., et al. Closing the Delivery Gap: Operationalizing the Care Delivery Value Chain for Pediatric HIV/AIDS in Togo, West Africa. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association, Region II and III, New York, NY, March 2016 and the Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD, May 2016.
- Patel M., Scholnick J., White-Davis T., Bathory E., Braganza S. Resident Documentation of Social Determinants of Health: Effects of a Teaching Tool. Presented at the Academic Pediatric Association, Region 2 and 3 meeting, Bronx, NY, March 2015, Eastern Society for Pediatric Research, Philadelphia, PA, March 2015 and the Pediatric Academic Societies, San Diego, CA, April 2015.