
The Geraldine Richtand Pediatric Marrow & Blood Cell Transplantation Program

The Geraldine Richtand Pediatric Marrow & Blood Cell Transplantation Program


Prior to discharge, our team will work with you and your family to make sure you feel ready to go home. Your doctors and nurses will review education materials with you to make sure your home is ready, you know when to call the doctor, when to call 911, and you feel comfortable with giving medications. We use a team approach to discharge. A Pharm D will review your medications with you prior to discharge and provide information on side-effects, medication storage and administration. If needed, they will also help you fill pillboxes until the next clinic visit. Our social workers will assist you if needed with insurance authorizations, family-medical leave assistance and/or transportation assistance, home-schooling and general support. On the day of discharge, our child-life team will coordinate a discharge parade as a tribute to you. This parade patterned after the “confetti parade” pioneered by Pediatric BMT at Duke University Medical Center is always a heart-warming experience.

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