Massage Therapy During Pregnancy
A family member or friend could give you a massage. Or you could get a professional massage. In either case, there are things you can do to help make sure that the massage is safe.
- If you get a professional massage, tell your massage therapist that you are pregnant.
- Be sure that your massage therapist has special training in pregnancy massage.
- Use a safe body position during massage.
As your pregnancy progresses, the best positions are sitting on a chair or stool or lying on your side. (The left side is best later in pregnancy.)
- After your third month of pregnancy (or much earlier if you are carrying twins or more), avoid lying on your belly.
- After your fourth month of pregnancy, avoid lying on your back.
- Avoid massage of your belly.
Firm massage of the pregnant belly could cause serious pregnancy problems.
- Talk to your doctor before using aromatherapy oils.
Some essential oils may be unsafe during pregnancy.
Current as of:
July 10, 2023
Current as of: July 10, 2023