Welcome to

Hospital Medicine


Services & Programs

CHAM_ChildLife_MusicTherapy_2011_11_116_316x210Hospitalists are specialists in the care of hospitalized children. The Division of Hospital Medicine consists of a dedicated team of highly educated and trained physicians (called hospitalists) who provide care to more than 10,000 children admitted to CHAM each year.

Hospitalists bridge the gap and allow patients and their parents to receive and benefit from:

  • Familiarity and consistency. A hospitalist assumes the role of a child’s primary pediatrician during his or her stay at CHAM, overseeing and managing the child's care to improve parents’ comfort level and patients’ medical outcomes.
  • Personalized, collaborative and comprehensive care. Family-focused care and attention to detail are essential in what is often a very stressful time. Hospitalists visit patients daily, coordinate all major aspects of a child’s treatment, keep parents informed of their child’s condition and plan of care, and more.
  • Structured and regular communication with primary care physicians, referring physicians and specialists. Your child’s referring physician is kept in the loop from the time he or she is admitted, and upon discharge, that physician will resume complete responsibility for your child's care. Hospitalists work to ensure a smooth transition from inpatient to outpatient care.

Pediatric hospitalists are committed to patients and their families.

Contact the Division of Hospital Medicine